Canister Management
When navigating to a canister page (/canister/canister-id
), you can perform various actions based on the privileges tied to your SNS neuron or user principal.
Canister Identification
At the top of the canister page, you'll see specific information based on the type of canister:
SNS Canister
- SNS logo
- Name
- Updated/Outdated status
- Canister ID
ICTS Canisters
- Name
- Version
- Canister ID
Regular Canisters
- Canister ID
Canister Status
Depending on the canister’s settings, you’ll have access to different data. If the canister is public (such as when it's SNS-controlled), or if you're a controller, you will see:
- Cycle balance
- Canister running status
- Memory size
If the canister is unknown, no data will be displayed.
Top-up Cycles
When the canister status is available, you can top up its cycles by pressing the Top-up Cycles
button to the left of the cycle balance.
A modal will open with the canister ID pre-filled. The toolkit handles the conversion from ICP to cycles, updating the exact cost in USD and the number of cycles you'll receive as you adjust the amount.
Note: You must have ICP in your toolkit wallet to perform this action.
Starting or Stopping a Canister
As the controller, you can start or stop a canister. This option is available in the canister status block, where a Stop
or Start
icon is displayed based on the canister’s current status.
(De-)Registering with a Core
There are two actions you can perform based on specific conditions:
If you have an eligible neuron for the selected SNS and are a controller, you can submit a one-click proposal to add the canister to the SNS. This option is found in the 3-dot menu
next to the canister status block.
If you have an eligible neuron for the selected SNS, you can submit a one-click proposal to remove the canister from SNS control and assign yourself as the new controller. This option is also located in the 3-dot menu
Adding or Removing Controllers
If you’re a controller of a canister, you can add other controllers by pressing the +
icon next to the Controllers section. If you’re not a controller, an i
icon will explain how to add a controller using DFX.
When adding a controller, an input field will appear where you can enter a principal to assign as a new controller. To remove a controller, click the x
next to the controller's name. This option is disabled for your own principal to avoid accidental deletions.
Upgrading Canisters
As a controller, you can upgrade or reinstall a canister by clicking the Upload
icon next to the Module Hash title. This opens a file selector where you can upload a (gzipped) WASM file and optionally input arguments before upgrading or reinstalling the canister.
Note: Not all argument types are supported at this time.
Methods (WIP)
You can also call canister methods directly from the UI, similar to how it works on the Internet Computer dashboard. The key difference here is that authenticated calls are supported.